Wednesday 15 May 2013

Well, here I go. I am going to blog. That isn't a statement as much as it is a mantra. While I enjoy writing, I am not sure I will enjoy blogging. While I love to read, I can't imagine why anyone would read my blog. Hmmm, while I am not a defeatist, I want to be a realist but one with a measure of optimism so I will give this a good shot. However, I confess, the main reason for creating my blog space is to use it for a place to put ongoing assignments for my Social Media and Society course. I am about to venture out to discover (hopefully) what it is that intrigues and captivates us into blogging, tweeting and facebooking our loves, our hates, likes and dislikes, dreams and some cases our entire lives. What an awesome adventure...please come with me.

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