Thursday 23 May 2013

Social Media Has Got Me Thinking...

I came to social media reluctantly. I didn’t think it was a fashionable trend that would fizzle and go away but I didn’t like the intrusion on my privacy by strangers. My age, my marital status, where I lived, my pets was all information I wasn’t comfortable “putting out there”. It was telling faceless strangers about me. It didn’t matter if I joined a forum where I used a created username, more often sooner than later I would be asked something personal. When I would refuse to answer I would be held suspect. I went through the discomfort that my IP address pointed at my address. If I divulged too much, something evil would happen. My inhibitions. 

It isn’t that I don’t like social media. In fact – I love it. My Smartphone is my friend when I need instant directions, hours of a business, menus for possible eating spots. 

I am an avid YouTube Troll. The vast DIYs, tutorials, animations, cartoons, personal tragedies caught on film keep me watching. I am astonished at the creativity of humans, their willingness to share experiences and knowledge.  If it wasn’t for the social media platform YouTube I would never have thought of THIS Nope, never would have walked into a Dollar Store and thought “Hey, I can make an awesome floral mirror for my hallway with a bunch of plastic spoons”.  YouTube showed me the way. Improve my life, relationships, decor. It’s out there…somewhere. 

It isn’t a community at my door step; it is the world in my lap.  

Take an awesome drive around the Roman coliseum on Google Streetview (Check it out in David Ashworth’s article ). Not only does Social Media keep you in real time of what your friends are doing, but you can watch a tutorial on something techie over and over until you get it.  And then you can share it with the few or many. Awesome. I can learn at my own pace because if I didn’t get it the first time, I can replay it or...I can search for a completely different take on it. I can take a class in my pajamas sitting in bed! It is space and we ourselves are the final frontier. We’re not boldly going out, we’re bringing it in.

I remember when you punched data cards to create binary information, which permitted huge computers to store or retrieve data in huge databases. Only a few trained professionals could punch those cards and speak the binary tongue. Not the many. Mega computers shrank, they turned up in businesses and then those computers began to network and those networked computers formed the mighty internet. The internet lead to the World Wide Web and computers had entered homes. Now it was you and I who were pulling content and retrieving documents. 

THEN we were not only pulling content but we began to make content and in essence became content. We began to push ourselves. We weren’t static, we were dynamic! Web 2.0 arrived and fast on its heels was Web 3.0. We could respond on forums to each other, to the opinions of others, comment on news items. We could like each other...or not. We could live in Cyperspace, we became not a part of the world but a part of a universe and with it came programming that made it all easier and efficient for us to share...almost anything. We could, through Wordpress or Blogger create a personal online journal on any topic without ever understanding html or JavaScript.

It wasn’t going away. It was empowering itself with usage.

I catch up with my son’s life while waiting in the Doctor’s office. He lives 3 hours away but I am texting him in real time, his answers to my Mummy prodding questions are more ambiguous than I would like. A friend shares a photo of her new cat with me. I share an inspirational quote with a group. I “like” a posting which pushes it to family and friends. A quirky friend tweets me something so quirky that I am tweetless. 

Its wondrous, thought and emotion provoking and endless. 

A passenger on the road home, I check in on my Smartphone only to discover that 42 minutes ago a devastating tornado had struck Oklahoma. The radio station isn’t even broadcasting it yet but I am pulling up video. 

Is Social Media Just a Fad? No, no it isn’t.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Well, here I go. I am going to blog. That isn't a statement as much as it is a mantra. While I enjoy writing, I am not sure I will enjoy blogging. While I love to read, I can't imagine why anyone would read my blog. Hmmm, while I am not a defeatist, I want to be a realist but one with a measure of optimism so I will give this a good shot. However, I confess, the main reason for creating my blog space is to use it for a place to put ongoing assignments for my Social Media and Society course. I am about to venture out to discover (hopefully) what it is that intrigues and captivates us into blogging, tweeting and facebooking our loves, our hates, likes and dislikes, dreams and some cases our entire lives. What an awesome adventure...please come with me.